API Reference
Core Props
Prop | Type | Required | Default | Description |
progress | Animated.SharedValue<number> | ✓ | 0 | Current value of the slider |
minimumValue | Animated.SharedValue<number> | ✓ | - | Minimum value of the slider |
maximumValue | Animated.SharedValue<number> | ✓ | - | Maximum value of the slider |
cache | Animated.SharedValue<number> | - | 0 | Cache value for the slider (useful for video/audio players) |
Prop | Type | Required | Default | Description |
onSlidingStart | () => void | - | - | Called when sliding starts |
onValueChange | (value: number) => void | - | - | Called when the slider value changes |
onSlidingComplete | (value: number) => void | - | - | Called when sliding completes |
onTap | () => void | - | - | Called when the slider is tapped |
onHapticFeedback | () => void | - | - | Called to trigger haptic feedback |
Prop | Type | Required | Default | Description |
theme | SliderTheme | - | See below | Theme configuration for the slider |
style | ViewStyle | - | - | Style for the container view |
containerStyle | ViewStyle | - | See below | Style for the slider track container |
bubbleContainerStyle | ViewStyle | - | - | Style for the bubble container |
bubbleTextStyle | TextStyle | - | - | Style for the bubble text |
marksStyle | ViewStyle | - | See below | Style for step marks |
Custom Rendering
Prop | Type | Required | Default | Description |
renderBubble | () => React.ReactNode | - | - | Custom bubble component |
renderThumb | () => React.ReactNode | - | - | Custom thumb component |
renderMark | ({ index: number }) => React.ReactNode | - | - | Custom mark component |
Prop | Type | Required | Default | Description |
disable | boolean | - | false | Disables all interactions |
disableTapEvent | boolean | - | true | Disables tap-to-seek behavior |
step | number | - | - | Step value for discrete slider |
steps | number | - | - | Number of steps |
snapToStep | boolean | - | true | Whether to snap to steps |
heartbeat | boolean | - | false | Enables heartbeat animation |
Gesture Configuration
Prop | Type | Required | Default | Description |
activeOffsetX | number | number[] | - | - | Active offset for horizontal gesture |
activeOffsetY | number | number[] | - | - | Active offset for vertical gesture |
failOffsetX | number | number[] | - | - | Fail offset for horizontal gesture |
failOffsetY | number | number[] | - | - | Fail offset for vertical gesture |
panHitSlop | object | - | See below | Hit slop for pan gesture |
Default Values
Default Theme
minimumTrackTintColor: '#1890ff',
maximumTrackTintColor: '#e5e5e5',
cacheTrackTintColor: '#cacaca',
disableMinTrackTintColor: '#999999',
bubbleBackgroundColor: '#ffffff',
heartbeatColor: '#1890ff'
Default Container Style
width: '100%',
height: 5,
borderRadius: 2,
borderColor: 'transparent',
overflow: 'hidden',
borderWidth: 1,
backgroundColor: maximumTrackTintColor
Default Pan Hit Slop
top: 8,
left: 0,
bottom: 8,
right: 0
Default Marks Style
width: 4,
height: 4,
backgroundColor: '#fff',
position: 'absolute',
top: 2
Theme Configuration
The slider can be themed using the theme
interface SliderTheme {
minimumTrackTintColor: string; // Progress track color
maximumTrackTintColor: string; // Background track color
cacheTrackTintColor: string; // Cache track color
disableMinTrackTintColor: string; // Disabled track color
bubbleBackgroundColor: string; // Bubble background color
heartbeatColor: string; // Heartbeat animation color